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Building Multi Agent Systems


Here we will discuss how to build a multi agent system using LangChain and LangGraph.

We will illustrate the architecture of the system using a Mermaid diagram (generated via a GPT).

We will then convert the diagram to LangChain and LangGraph code (using a GPT)

No code solutions to building Multi Agent Systems are also available

Some examples:

The building/coding of these agents was AI-assisted

  1. Architecture Diagram: Bootstrap Mermaid diagram was created (using Claude 3.5 Sonnet)
  2. Code: Bootstrap code was generated from the Architecture Diagram (using Claude 3.5 Sonnet)
  3. Code Editor: Cursor AI was used (with Claude 3.5 Sonnet)
  4. Documentation: Chat with our docs link (ChatGPT agent). This was also used to generate code snippets as an answer to a question.

Multi Agent Systems Problem and Solution Space

For open-ended problems, ReAct is appropriate.

But for smaller Problem and Solution Spaces (more bounded), agents and their tools can be more defined and deterministic, and this allows for more optimization.

Multi Agent Systems Frameworks

There are several frameworks for building Multi Agent Systems (MAS), and many more being developed.

Example popular frameworks:

Some frameworks are best suited to more complex multi agent use cases - where autonomy and conversation is required. * Chatty can be expensive in time and money as its more LLM calls. * they can also be useful for rapid prototyping and development of Multi Agent Systems - getting a working system quickly, that can then be optimized and customized with a lower level framework.

For simpler use cases, where we want to prescribe/control how agents interact with each other, we can use LangChain and LangGraph (or no-code solution based on LangGraph).

My requirements here are:

  1. Minimal Time-To-Value and Time-To-Learning from the initial solution
  2. Support by tools
  3. including Observability tooling e.g. LangFuse, LangSmith, LangTrace
  4. Representation and support for production Deployment on Cloud platforms (AWS, GCP)


graph TD
    Start((Start)) --> A[Get Vulnerability Description]
    A --> |Vulnerability Description| C[Extract vulnerability keyphrases from Vulnerability Description]
    C --> |Vulnerability KeyPhrases| D[Get CVEs with similar weakness keyphrases \nfrom CWE Observed Examples]
    C --> |Vulnerability KeyPhrases| E[Get CVEs with similar weakness keyphrases \nfrom Top25 CWE Mappings]
    C --> |Vulnerability KeyPhrases| I[Get CVEs with similar weakness keyphrases \nfrom NVD]
    A-. Vulnerability Description .-> R

    D --> R[Create report]
    E --> R[Create report]
    I --> R[Create report]
    R --> |Draft Report|G[Review Report]
    G -->|Human feedback| G
    G --> |Final Report|End((End))


Text from the NVD Refereces could also be retrieved to augment the report input, as sometimes they contain information that is not in the CVE Description.

That has not been done here (yet) and is not shown in the diagram.

Diagram Code

graph TD
    Start((Start)) --> A[Vulnerability Description]
    A --> |Vulnerability Description| C[Extract vulnerability keyphrases from Vulnerability Description]
    C --> |Vulnerability Description\nVulnerability KeyPhrases| D[Get CVEs with similar weakness keyphrases \nfrom CWE Observed Examples]
    C --> |Vulnerability Description\nVulnerability KeyPhrases| E[Get CVEs with similar weakness keyphrases \nfrom Top25 CWE Mappings]
    C --> |Vulnerability Description\nVulnerability KeyPhrases| I[Get CVEs with similar weakness keyphrases \nfrom NVD]
    D --> R[Create report]
    E --> R[Create report]
    I --> R[Create report]
    R --> |Draft Report|G[Review Report]
    G -->|Human feedback| G
    G --> |Final Report|End((End))

Architecture to Code

I want to create a LangGraph multi agent system based on this diagram

I want to create a CrewAI multi agent system based on this diagram
Claude 3.5 Sonnet

Multi Agent System Skeleton Code

#from typing import TypedDict, Annotated, Sequence
from langchain_core.messages import BaseMessage
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, Graph
from langchain_core.runnables import RunnableBinding
from langchain.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
import asyncio

# Define the state
class AgentState(TypedDict):
    messages: Annotated[Sequence[BaseMessage], "The messages in the conversation"]
    vulnerability_description: Annotated[str, "The original vulnerability description"]
    vulnerability_keyphrases: Annotated[list, "Extracted keyphrases from the vulnerability description"]
    cwe_observed_cves: Annotated[list, "CVEs from CWE Observed Examples"]
    top25_cwe_cves: Annotated[list, "CVEs from Top25 CWE Mappings"]
    nvd_cves: Annotated[list, "CVEs from NVD"]
    draft_report: Annotated[str, "The draft report"]
    final_report: Annotated[str, "The final report"]

# Initialize the language model
llm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0)

# Define the agents

def extract_keyphrases(state):
    prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(
        "Extract key phrases related to the vulnerability from the following description: {vulnerability_description}"
    chain = prompt | llm
    response = chain.invoke({"vulnerability_description": state["vulnerability_description"]})
    keyphrases = response.content.split(", ")
    return {"vulnerability_keyphrases": keyphrases}

async def get_cwe_observed_cves(state):
    # Simulating an asynchronous API call
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    # In a real scenario, you would query a CVE database here
    return {"cwe_observed_cves": ["CVE-2021-1234", "CVE-2022-5678"]}

async def get_top25_cwe_cves(state):
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    return {"top25_cwe_cves": ["CVE-2020-9876", "CVE-2023-4321"]}

async def get_nvd_cves(state):
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    return {"nvd_cves": ["CVE-2019-8765", "CVE-2024-1111"]}

def create_report(state):
    prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(
        "Create a comprehensive report based on the following information:\n"
        "Vulnerability Description: {vulnerability_description}\n"
        "Key Phrases: {vulnerability_keyphrases}\n"
        "CVEs from CWE Observed Examples: {cwe_observed_cves}\n"
        "CVEs from Top25 CWE Mappings: {top25_cwe_cves}\n"
        "CVEs from NVD: {nvd_cves}\n"
        "Provide a detailed analysis and recommendations."
    chain = prompt | llm
    response = chain.invoke(state)
    return {"draft_report": response.content}

def review_report(state):
    prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(
        "Review and improve the following report:\n{draft_report}\n"
        "Provide any necessary corrections or additions."
    chain = prompt | llm
    response = chain.invoke(state)
    return {"final_report": response.content}

# Define the graph
workflow = StateGraph(AgentState)

# Add nodes
workflow.add_node("extract_keyphrases", extract_keyphrases)
workflow.add_node("get_cwe_observed_cves", get_cwe_observed_cves)
workflow.add_node("get_top25_cwe_cves", get_top25_cwe_cves)
workflow.add_node("get_nvd_cves", get_nvd_cves)
workflow.add_node("create_report", create_report)
workflow.add_node("review_report", review_report)

# Add edges
workflow.add_edge("extract_keyphrases", "get_cwe_observed_cves")
workflow.add_edge("extract_keyphrases", "get_top25_cwe_cves")
workflow.add_edge("extract_keyphrases", "get_nvd_cves")
workflow.add_edge("get_cwe_observed_cves", "create_report")
workflow.add_edge("get_top25_cwe_cves", "create_report")
workflow.add_edge("get_nvd_cves", "create_report")
workflow.add_edge("create_report", "review_report")

# Set entry point

# Compile the graph
app = workflow.compile()

# Run the graph
config = {"vulnerability_description": "A buffer overflow vulnerability in the XYZ software allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code."}
result = app.invoke(config)
